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We can help you protect your catalytic converter and deter thieves.

SmartProgram Offers Protection 

The Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft program doesn’t just help to track it down and cover the cost of damages, but also prevents would-be thieves from even trying. Warning labels on your vehicle’s front windows deter would-be thieves. The stickers say the catalytic converter has been etched with a permanent identification number. If someone tries to remove the sticker, the identification numbers will still be visible. Are you tired of constantly worrying about the safety of your car’s catalytic converter? Look no further because, with our comprehensive protection, you can rest assured that your precious converter is protected. Not only will this increase your protection against theft, but it also minimizes the hassle of dealing with the aftermath and potentially saves your deductible money.

In addition to peace of mind, our coverage is fully transferable if you switch vehicles. And with a network covering both Canada and the USA, you can have protection wherever you go.

Don’t wait for tragedy to strike – invest in our catalytic converter protection today.


  • Increase your protection
  • Minimize the hassle
  • Save your deductible money
  • Peace of mind
  • Fully transferable
  • Coverage network Canada & USA